Monday, October 30, 2006

The following article includes pertinent information that may cause you to reconsider what you thought you understood. The most important thing is to study with an open mind and be willing to revise your understanding if necessary.

A few feeders will provide a treat in your hummingbird garden.
There are scores of commercially designed hummingbird feeders built to be attractive to the little roamers. Pick feeders with bright red accents to get their attention, and a feeder that holds about 8 ounces of sugar water. Instead of using one big feeder, place 2 to 4 of them around your yard, out of sight of each other if possible. Hummingbirds are notoriously territorial. By offering several private feeding stations, you will increase the amount of hummingbirds that you attract.

So far, we've uncovered some interesting facts about hummingbird feeder. You may decide that the following information is even more interesting.

They are another reason to go organic because they need not come in contact with chemical pesticides or herbicides that many spray around their flowers and vines. Help them survive.

That's how things stand right now. Keep in mind that any subject can change over time, so be sure you keep up with the latest news.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Feeder for hummingbird

Early in May here in west central Wisconsin, I can count on seeing a Ruby Throated Hummingbird hovering in front of my kitchen window, flitting back and forth, as if to say, "there was a hummingbird feeder RIGHT HERE last year. Where is it?"

And then I know it is time to put out hummingbird nectar. I feed a 3-to-1 mixture of water and sugar (3 cups of water and 1 cup of sugar brought to a boil and cooled to room temperature). After the hummingbirds' long trip from South America, they are thin and hungry.

The general rule-of-thumb is a 4-to-1 mixture, but to start out in early spring I always use a 3-to-1 mixture. Later on in the summer, when there are more flowers available, I switch to a 4-to-1 mixture.

I know it is important to wash the hummingbird feeder when I fill it to clean out any mold. I know it is also important to thoroughly rinse the hummingbird feeder when I am finished cleaning it to remove any soap or other chemicals.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Rubbermaid feeder

Do you ever feel like you know just enough about hummingbird feeder to be dangerous? Let's see if we can fill in some of the gaps with the latest info from hummingbird feeder experts.

The best hummingbird feeder I've found is a Rubbermaid feeder. It holds two cups of nectar, and it is as sturdy now as it was when I bought it four years ago. Other hummingbird feeders cracked when I tried to wash them, either at the end of the first year or the beginning of the next.

I also set out two of those little "flower balls" for the hummingbirds — little round balls that hold about a quarter cup of nectar with a large, brightly-colored plastic flower that fits down inside the neck. The flower balls fit into a holder that mounts on a steel rod pushed down into the ground. The hummingbirds love the "flowers" that give them another source of food.

Usually, right around our yard, we have between four and six pair of Ruby Throated Hummingbirds. Later on in the summer, when their offspring start coming for the nectar, we have many more hummingbirds flying around the yard. Pine trees on the east and north sides of the yard provide a perch for the hummingbirds while they wait their turn to get at the feeder.

Most of this information comes straight from the hummingbird feeder pros. Careful reading to the end virtually guarantees that you'll know what they know.

Not that the hummingbirds are especially patient about waiting their turn at the feeder. They chase each other around and chatter and scold. I am scolded, too, when I have the audacity to remove the feeder from its hook in front of the kitchen window so that I can wash it out and fill it with fresh nectar. On more than one occasion, I have ducked to avoid a collision with a hummingbird.

I have learned not to wear a red shirt when taking down the hummingbird feeder during the day. A red shirt causes the hummingbirds to flit back and forth in front of my face, as if searching for the perfect access to this huge, glorious RED flower they see before them.

Instead of filling the hummingbird feeders during the day and risking a collision with the tiny birds, I often wait until after dark to take down the feeder, wash it and fill it with fresh nectar. That way, when the hummingbirds are looking for food early in the morning, they will find a clean feeder filled with fresh nectar.

The day will come when you can use something you read about here to have a beneficial impact. Then you'll be glad you took the time to learn more about hummingbird feeder.